Ravine is an employability programme for young people (18-24) who are facing mental health challenges.
All our trainees gain work experience in horticulture, agriculture and conservation with the help of our industry specialists. During their time with Ravine, our trainees will work towards gaining a Level 1 OCN Qualification in Horticulture and a Level 1 OCN in Personal Success and Wellbeing.
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Project Overview
Ravine offers 20 completely free and tailored work experience placements per year to young people, aged 18- 24, facing mental health challenges.
Ravine provides a supportive learning environment for training and work experience, developing employability skills whilst focusing on the horticultural and conservational efforts of our project.
Trainees will gain experience in all aspects of Ravine including our working farm, polytunnels, conservation stations and nature trails. Coupled with this, trainees will work towards achieving:
- Level 1 OCN Qualification in Horticulture
- Level 1 OCN Qualification in Personal Success & Well-being,
Trainees will also receive:
- Certificate of Employability
- Future Option Plans to help with their future goals
- Full uniform
- Travel Allowance
Ravine seeks to unleash the potential of our young people by providing meaningful education, training and employment opportunities to enable them to build skills, experiences and self-confidence to connect with the labour market.
We welcome referrals from young people or any health profession, agency or organisation working with young people experiencing mental health challenges. If you think Ravine could be helpful please complete one of our Referral forms
What our trainees say about Ravine
"When I started with Ravine I didn't know what I wanted to do. Now I know I want to work with nature and I have the skills to do it".
"Ravine has really helped my confidence..., I wait with anticipation for every Tuesday to come around"
"Ravine is a great outlet, a place to get away from the stresses of life and engage with nature"
"Ravine is a quiet space in the middle of nature. I really enjoy getting away from the city and making new friends in a setting that feels right to me."