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   project showcase   

RYE CONNECT is a passion to promote innovative thinking that inspires young people to create unique business opportunities across Northern Europe and the Arctic.


Start Phase

The RYE Connect project seeks to offer an expanded Rural Youth Entrepreneurship model which supports and inspires young entrepreneurs within the Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) region.
Through transnational collaboration and networking, RYE Connect develops better business opportunities, services and solutions for young entrepreneurs aged 16 to 30.


The programme aims to support young talent and encourage them to think and act innovatively helping those to set up a new business, entrepreneurs who have an existing business who wish to grow their business through export opportunities and those who are facing difficulties within their existing business who require support and guidance to turn their business around.


Programme participants can become members of a RYE Connect Entrepreneur network.  
Membership is FREE and benefits include: ​


•    Access to the RYE Connect Online Platform
•    Access to a package of workshops
•    Quarterly newsletter with inspiring case studies and Programme updates
•    Access to a network of associates and potential investors
•    Opportunity to networks within potential new markets


Takes any person with little or no previous business knowledge through what it takes to start a business, and helps to build confidence and a winning idea.


Helps a young person learn how to get their business idea off the ground. Business resources, profiles and fact sheets made available. Insights from experienced business people will help to avoid pitfalls.


Pre-Start Phase


Growth Phase


Turnaround Phase


Helps young entrepreneurs already running a business explore opportunities for growth.  Helps taking the first steps towards upscaling and trading outside home country.


A support path for a struggling business.  Promotes greater understanding of current situation and supports the young entrepreneur to plan a course of corrective action.


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